
Sunday footy & EASTS training♪

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Sup All!!

I had touch training(games) for NSW state cup next week at Queens park in this moring!!
今日は午前中、来週のNSW state cup に向けての練習試合をクイーンズパークにてやってきました!!

I played with our team EASTS ROOSTERS DIV1 which has heaps of young players!! It means there are heaps of hope(good players)!! look forward to see thier step up!!!
今日参加したEASTS ROOSTERSのディビィジョン1は比較的若いメンバーが多く、伸びしろがあり、楽しみなチームです!!

As myself, I need to work on body positioning near score line on diffence!!grrr
I’ll fix it next training then, State cup!!!
I joined Sunday footy at wentworth park after training!!
午前中の練習試合後はSunday footyに参加してきました♪

Sunday footy is organized by Japanese who live in Sydney on every sunday 12:00〜15:00 at wentworth park!!
Anyone welcome to join it. Doesn’t matter where you are from!! There are few local people, too!!
Sunday footyはシドニーに滞在している日本人の方々を中心にフィッシュマーケットすぐ隣のwentworth parkで12:00〜15:00で毎週日曜日にタッチ&タグラグビーをやっており、老若男女だれでも参加できるところです♪ もちろんローカルの人もよく参加するそうです!!

I went there to see yasu& haruka who are organizer of sunday footy. coz they took care me 8years ago, when i was in Sydney!!!
Also I wanted to meet and play with people who are enjoying to play footy in Sydney!!
今回8年前にお世話になったSunday footyのオーガナイザーやすさんとはるかさんにご挨拶&シドニーでラグビーボールをエンジョイしている方々と一緒に楽しむために参加♪

It was great great meet them!!! I wanna meet people like this time during my world trip!!!!
Thanks All!!!


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